Our Lovable Cincinnati Print Icon, Hopsin the Husky
Hopsin gets lots of local love and attention, so we've dedicated a page to his best and silliest moments to share with all of you.
Hopsin is roughly 5 years old, he was discovered on the side of the road after being hit by a car. This incident led to a titanium rod in his right leg, which thankfully hasn't slowed him down any. James met Hopsin during a lunch break, which was obviously love at first sight and adopted him on the spot! Now semi-retired, Hopsin has 2 canine sisters and a human sister, that keep him very busy most days. However, he does still visit the shop periodically to lend a helping 'paw'.
Enjoy these candid images 'behind the print scenes', around town, sleeping on-the-job and even his special guest appearance on UPS Dogs!

When you're an Icon...
and 'your people' are in custom print, you get your own wrapping paper, stickers and other fun stuff! Keep scrolling, more cuteness ahead...